Friday, April 5, 2013


Hello. As you have discovered, I am a singular person.  I am also a person with a lot of time on my hands, much of which I devote to reading and writing.  Sadly, though, what I've found of reading material lately all seem to fall into the same pattern.  You go into Barnes&Noble to spend that last ten dollars on that gift card left over from Christmas, and everything's the same:

                 girl (with uncontrolled superpowers) <3 boy + 2 of them must go out to end the apocalypse/solve high school drama fiasco/help fill in the blank deal with *insert tragedy here*

Or, some variation of that.  Basically, what I'm trying to say is that with the commercialization of the Young Adult novel--especially the genre of dystopian, from what I've observed) has come the decline of the sophisticated (or, at least interesting) plot.
        This is a pretty petty problem, I am well aware.  I could be using my time to do something helpful to society, but I'm not.  Excuse me, society, but all I want to do is read a good book.  But, I can hardly find them.  Do you know how much junk I have to read to find at least one good book to post on?  Or, how many book summaries that are practically exactly the same, even though they're from different authors, to find a goodly amount of books to take home from the library?
         Because of this, I am striving to weed out the books that still retain the plot and integrity that so many others have given up to be part of the mainstream.  I don't know how many people will actually read this, and out of those people who will actually care, but if anyone has any good books that they've read that they think are unique could you tell me about them?  I would love to read them.
       Thank you. :]

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